1st Meeting of the Sub-cluster on CCIs
The authorities of the Interreg ADRION programme created 3 Major Thematic Clusters. CCI4TOURISM is part of the thematic cluster on the sustainability of cultural and natural tourism destinations and in the sub-cluster on CCIs together with CREATURES and EMOUNDERGROUNDS projects, the latter being the coordinator as well. The clusters and the sub-clusters were created in order to support the creation of added value for the projects and the Programme by increasing synergies between projects, to help the development of thematic analysis and the identification of new areas/fields of intervention to be funded for the future Programming period and, finally, to promote the projects in a more strategic way that will ensure the dissemination and the transferability of their results both beyond the partnership and after the end of the Programme. This first meeting focused on the presentation of the projects included in the sub-cluster, the activities envisaged and the level of their implementation. After that the discussion focused on the structure and elaboration of the policy paper delivered by the team and on the definition of potential dates for the next meeting.