Final Partner Meeting of the Design4Innovation project
Reaching the final stage of Phase II, the partners of the Design4Innovation seized the opportunity to meet physically in Poland. The final partner meeting took place on the 5th of October in Katowice and was focused on the completion of the final progress report and the respective verification of incurred expenditures.
The Lead Partner thanked the partnership for the fruitful cooperation and the effective project implementation and focused on the significant and tangible results in all participating countries. At the end of the day, the LP stressed the importance of the timely completion of the management procedures for the official project closure and payment.
The stakeholders that were directly involved in the project activities were invited at this last project meeting, during which they had the opportunity to know more about the project activities and results. They were presented with the deliverables of the second phase and discussed on the emerged conclusions and the opportunities for the improvement of the respective financial frameworks/policies.