Kick-off meeting of Design4Innovation extension (new project)
The extension of Design4Innovation was approved in July 2021, under a targeted call launched by Interreg Europe for successfully implemented projects. This extension concerns a period of 1 year, during which the partners will implement activities in the same framework as in the initial project, but with a focus on the confrontation of the problems and the consequences due to COVID.
The kick-off meeting of the new project was implemented with physical presence on the 7th of October 2021, at the Creative Hub of Cieszyn Municipality, very close to the borders with Czech Republic, while the partners had the opportunity to walk around in both the hub and the city. Since the new project is only beginning, the main issues discussed were related to the administrative processes on the management and the connection with the initial project (transfer of funds, continuation in reporting, etc). On the other hand, the partners moved to the coordination and scheduling of the forthcoming meetings and of the deliverables that need to be submitted prior to each meeting.