Mid-term Coordination Meeting
The Mid-term Coordination Meeting of CCI4TOURISM project took place in Skofja Loka (Slovenia) on the 13th and 14th of October 2021, aiming to identify the current situation of the project implementation and the activities remaining until the end of the project.
The first day was focused on the administrative issues concerning the forthcoming modification request and the inclusion of the project in the sub-cluster of Interreg ADRION Programme devoted on CCIs. The presentation of WPT1 and WPT2 followed with analytical presentation of the complete deliverables and the timetable for the completion of those remaining.
The second day was dedicated to WPT3 and WP Communication, with KEPA and RAS presenting respectively. KEPA, specifically, presented the approved methodology for the implementation of the WP and the timetable for the implementation of the forthcoming deliverables.
After the spread of the COVID pandemic, it was the first time that almost all partners had the opportunity to meet in person. This facilitated significantly the process and the results were rather fruitful.