Second peer-learning workshop of INNOCOACH project
On September 21st, 2021, the second Peer Learning Workshop of INNOCOACH Project was held online, organized by the COMONEXT Innovation Hub. The workshop aimed at the exchange of know-how between the 3 partners (IMMIB-Turkey, KEPA-Greece, COMONEXT-Italy), regarding the methodology that the Innovation Agencies must follow in order to provide better coaching services to the companies applying for funding under the EIC Accelerator program.
More specifically, COMONEXT presented to the partner Peers the AI platform (initial proposal evaluation) and the Submission Portal. Additionally, it presented an example of a Pitching video which is the first step for the submission procedure. The exchange of know-how was done on the example of a real proposal / project idea, thus giving partners a clear view of the competitive character of the Program and the demanding maturity of a proposal. The partners co-decided the methodological steps, the tools that will be piloted during the upcoming training workshop that will take place online in November and analyzed the chapters of the final deliverable, the Design Options Paper-DOP.