In Barcelona, April 3rd and 4th, 2024, the first technical meeting of the “i-Game” project took place, which is being implemented under “Horizon Europe” Programme.
The project partner Cookie Box organized the meeting that was held at the premises of the School of New Interactive Technologies of the University of Barcelona / ENTI – Escola de Noves Tecnologies.
The technical meeting intended to make participants familiar with concepts such as “gamification”, “community building”, “storytelling”, that is game design tools and techniques that will be used for the development of a digital game platform. In addition, issues related to “i-Game” ‘s impact management were addressed, kicking-off the co-design process of the project’s impact framework, and reasoning about the mapping of the stakeholders and end-users, who will use the future gaming platform to co-create educational, informative, and inclusive experiences within the cultural, creative and fashion/textile sectors.
The accessible, inclusive platform will facilitate the participation of a diverse group of interested parties, enriching the community with advanced ideas and backgrounds, allowing the creation of new alliances, solutions, and unveiling new opportunities.
The “i-Game” Project is powered by distinguished organizations, universities, tech companies, museums in Europe: Centre for Research & Technology Hellas (CERTH), Business and Cultural Development Centre (KEPA), Raising the Floor, Cookie Box Gamification & Serious Games, Nurogames GmbH, MuseoSpace Foundation, KU Leuven, Open Impact, hashtag#Prato Museo del Tessuto, Uni Systems, Estonian National Museum.
#EU #HorizonEurope #HE #HEprojects #EUProjects #iGameProject #GamesWorld #Gamification #Games4CultureSocietyGrowth #Games4Museums #Games4FashionDesigners #Gaming4aSocialCause #games #CCIS #fashion #textile #research #innovation #sustainability #inclusivity #impact