
The “microSTARS” initiative was developed in 2017 by KEPA, with the aim to provide Business Development Services to small and micro enterprises, along with micro-loans.

microSTARS aims to support small (up to 10 people) and small (up to 50) businesses based in the Central Macedonia region and facilitate start-ups in the direction of boosting productivity, profitability and competitiveness. For this purpose, two Business Development Centers have been created, through which free Business Development Services are provided, such as:

Granting of micro-loans

Counseling support for small and micro businesses, unemployed or young people wishing to set up their own business

Conducting workshops to exchange ideas and content of special interest, information, networking

Free access to the e-Learning platform of microSTARS- microSTARS Academy

microSTARS Mission Statement

  1. Strengthen the economic activity of existing Very Small and Small Enterprises, contributing to the creation of new jobs and sustainable development.
  2. Promote the creation of new businesses by providing micro-loans to those who are excluded and / or lacking funding opportunities and thereby contribute to their economic development and social integration.
  3. Provide Business Development Services aiming at the sustainable development of the beneficiaries and the creation of measurable social footprint

microSTARS Vision Statement

Τo become a viable micro-finance micro-credit provider, providing the beneficiaries with the appropriate financial and other services in order to support their sustainable development, economic and social integration, new skills  development  and finally to contribute to the creation of new jobs in Greece

microSTARS activities

microSTARS offers two main types of Business Development Services (BDS):

  1. Individualized Counselling Support (4-5 hours per client)-free of charge

Training (workshops and e-learning platform) - free of charge

  1. Possibility of granting microloans to small and micro businesses (with Cooperative Bank of Karditsa and Pancretan Cooperative Bank). The loan application is made online through the website

For more information you may visit microstars official webpage at