Presentation of results and the final deliverable Design Options Paper (DOP) of INNOCOACH project
The main goal of INNCOACH project is to support small and medium-sized enterprises aiming to apply to the EIC Accelerator as well as Innovation Agencies that support and evaluate innovative business ideas.
INNOCOACH partners (ISTANBUL MADEN VE METALLER IHRACATCI BIRLIKLERI, -IMMIB, Turkey, Business and Cultural Development Centre – KEPA, Greece and SVILUPPO COMO – COMONEXT SPA, Italy followed a methodological process, passing through the phases of
– research implemented through interviews and questionnaires
– good practices discovery
– development of 4 methodological steps for Innovation Agencies to organize and provide effective support to businesses and
– development of specific tools that are particularly helpful to businesses.
The tools and methodology were tested during a pilot workshop, which was conducted online due to COVID-19 restrictions, including participants from all three partner countries.
All the above steps led to the Design Options Paper (DOP) deliverable, which constitutes a structured methodological guide for effective business support by Innovation Agencies, when businesses aim at applying to EIC Accelerator.
By this article, the final version of the Design Options Paper is published and made available to any interested party.
Find here the final deliverable of the project: Design Options Paper
The project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 959646.