In the framework of the project ‘Enhancing SME growth by the integration of Artists in ICT projects’ – RegionArts under INTERREG EUROPE Programme, KEPA organised the 1st Local Stakeholders Group (LSG) meeting ‘The Art of Networking’ on Thursday March 7th 2019, at Hellenic Design Centre.
This first meeting with the stakeholders was attended by representatives from public and local authorities, academic/research institutes, cultural organisations and ICT companies.
After an in-depth presentation of RegionArts project, its scope, expected results and activities, two good practices of projects blending creativity with new technologies were presented (‘Smart Life Jacket’ and ‘Skini Epi Poleos’).
During the discussion that followed, the attendants exchanged opinions and shared experiences related to the production of innovative ideas/projects that combine arts/creativity with new technologies and highlighted issues that need further study, for achieving sustainable results in our territory.
The whole team agreed on the necessity to extroversion and substantial networking among agents of arts, news technologies and innovation, realised the potential that RegionArts project has to offer and committed to contribute to the next activities (mapping, good practices’ assessment, involvement in workshop and meetings), which will lead to the elaboration of the final action plan.
More information is available at RegionArts’ official website.
Find out RegionArts news here: https://www.interregeurope.eu/regionarts/news/